
In 2019 I travelled to Roatán, a small island in the Caribbean Sea of Honduras. Although water is not my element, I wanted to go snorkeling for the first time. A boatman took us out to sea.

As soon as I was in the water I regretted it: I was frozen with fear. The waves piled up and crashed into rocks a few hundred meters away with a great roar. The sea was rough and a current immediately drew us in. All I wanted to do was get back on the boat as soon as possible. “But before that”, I thought, “I'll put my head under water for once”. Said. Done.

And then it was suddenly completely quiet. No trace of the scary force of nature. Water plants and algae danced in the gentle current. Colorful fish crossed my path. I simply floated away, effortlessly, marveling at this underwater world in all its blues and greens, coral reds, yellows and oranges. I felt at one with this universe. Gone was the fear, the worry, the uncertainty. The painting "Roatán" tells the story of this magical moments under water, of letting go and trusting.


Message to my Inner Child